
What's Your Number?

On Sunday, during a sunny afternoon hike up Atalaya with my friends Carol and Mary, we got to talking about the ways in which we take care of ourselves. For a person who deals in words, I like numbers a lot. Numbers get right to the point: As in, on a scale of 1 to 10, how well are you taking care of yourself right now? I think about this often in an abstract way, but I’ve never stopped to quantify it, or take inventory. So while I was surprised when Carol asked the question, I was even more surprised when I heard my answer. “Eight,” I said, right off the bat. The number sounded high as soon as it left my lips, but it was easy to rattle off the things I need to find optimal balance, to hit the sweet spot of being both grounded and energized, present in my life and continuing to grow:

1. Fresh air and exercise on the trails at least 6 times a week
            2. Writing
3. Time with friends; often most efficiently combined with #1.

These are the three essentials I can’t live without, the non-negotiables in my daily and weekly schedule that help me stay sane and feel like myself. But I also need:

4. Quiet, alone time—that's why I'm trying to learn to meditate
5. 8 hours of sleep
6. Adventures & travel
7. Yoga once a week
8. Good books to read
9. More whole foods, less sugar

As we talked, though, I began to have second thoughts. Maybe it’s more like 7.5? I wondered aloud, thinking of all the things I wish I could do more, or do better: like jet off on assignment to remote places, alone, like I used to do before I had two small daughters. Or really push myself physically, remembering wistfully those four-hour bike rides and high-mountain endurance runs from my old life. I wish I had time to run and ride and hike the trails AND go to a strength training class. (Especially since I read that lifting weights supposedly makes you smarter.) I wish I could do yoga more than once a week. I wish I could go to New Zealand or Norway, plan a climbing expedition, and have more adventure in my everyday life.

But then I realized that although the results aren’t always what I hope, most of the necessary pieces are in place. I know what I need, and for the most part, I do an OK job carving out time to take good care of myself so that I can take better care of my family. I know that when I wake up feeling blue from my missing my dad or listless about trying to drum up writing assignments, there are specific things I can do to feel better right away. I have strategies and a system, a tick-list of to-dos (and, thankfully, a very patient husband). And I almost always come home reenergized, sunnier, and much nicer to have around.

Carol’s question was a good exercise. I realized that even when my life feels nuts and out of whack, I’m happier than I think. And that makes me happy.

Everybody has their own sanity list. What’s on yours? (My dad liked to lie on the carpet and daydream for half an hour every day to recharge his brain.) On a scale of 1 to 10, how well are you taking care of yourself right now? What’s your number?

1 comment:

  1. A response to your list, which is refreshing and clear.
    1. 1. Fresh air and exercise on the trails at least 6 times a week--would love this, but have opted for three times a week yoga and one swim until this baby comes and the weather is nicer, or whichever happens first...missing those mountains.
    2. 2. Writing--YES!
    3. 3. Time with friends; often most efficiently combined with #1.--YES!!!

    These are the three essentials I can’t live without, the non-negotiables in my daily and weekly schedule that help me stay sane and feel like myself. But I also need:

    4. 4. Quiet, alone time—that's why I'm trying to learn to meditate--me too.
    5. 5. 8 hours of sleep--definitely. I'd take 9 if I could get them.
    6. 6. Adventures & travel--yes yes yes, itching to get on a plane before I am home bound awaiting baby four.
    7. 7. Yoga once a week--see number 1.
    8. 8. Good books to read--yes, in need of one now.
    9. 9. More whole foods, less sugar--always. more veggies in need of that.

    10. which may go before a few on your list is daily time to connect with P.

    And my number? I think I am at a 6.5...but now that I am aware of it am looking to improve that! Thanks K!
